[ARC Review] Filthy Rich Fae by Geneva Lee

"You made a bargain... Your soul for his - and now, you are mine."

Cate Holloway knows the unspoken rule of New Orleans: avoid the powerful Gage crime family at all costs. Of course, that was before her brother got caught in their chaos. 

Now Cate has no choice but to confront the dark and forbidding prince of New Orleans himself and beg for her brother's life. 

But Lachlan Gage is as lethal as he is beautiful...and the only currency he's interested in is her soul

Because Lachlan isn't just some ruthless criminal. He's fae. And he has his own secret reasons for binding her to him.

Tricked and desperate, Cate is torn between humanity and the breathtaking Otherworld. A place filled with shadows and secrets, with members of each fae court plotting against her just as her captor's motives for trapping her become more mysterious. 

And if she can't break this sinister bargain in the next thirty days, she'll be bound to the inscrutable yet infuriatingly tempting fae prince and his deadly world...forever.

MY THOUGHTS: Wow. Cate and Lach (okay, especially Lach) had me in their thralls from the very first page to the very last. It won't take any of Lach's "sexy magic" to keep readers engrossed in the fae lore, court politics, and intense chemistry that Geneva Lee brings to the first book in the Filthy Rich Fae series.

Having loved Lee's first paranormal series, I had high hopes for Filthy Rich Fae and it did not disappoint. There was drama, secrets, spice, and so many intriguing characters. I loved Cate as a main character. I found her to be relatable and easily understood; with every decision she made, especially in terms of her brother, it was easy to understand where she was coming from. Even when dealing with fantasy or paranormal creatures like fae, I still love to see a relatable human character and Cate had that in spades. 

And Lachlan? He was basically written as a combination of so many of our book boyfriends. Gorgeous, powerful, protective, tattooed, rich... he was this perfect package of alpha bad boy, and I ate him up. His story arc gave me so much to love, and everything he did during the story for the people he loves just made him that much better. 

Lee made her fae world so rich in characters. I loved having the story focus on Lach and Cate, but I could easily read spin-off stories written about any number of secondary characters. Lee didn't get relegate everyone to the background; she gave everyone personality and purpose, and it really fleshed out the reading experience.

If you've read Filthy Rich Vampires, then you know exactly what kind of ending Lee likes to give the first book in a series. Yes, you will devour Filthy Rich Fae, especially the last 20%, but you will also immediately need the next book because everything that happens at the end of this book is... a lot. I was left bereft knowing it will be a while before I can find out what happens next for Cate and Lach. If you love fae romances, or loved Lee's previous series, you won't want to miss Filthy Rich Fae.

[Thank you to Entangled Publishing for providing a review copy of Filthy Rich Fae. All opinions are my own.]


Release date: 6/25/24
Format: eARC
eARC provided via: NetGalley widget

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