[Review] In a Holidaze by Christina Lauren

I don't read Christmas-y, feel-good romances. Like, ever. But I'll always make an exception for Christina Lauren.
In a Holidaze shows us the importance of being happy, whether that's at work, with your family, or with that special someone. 

When Mae has a disasterous Christmas, she makes a wish, asking the Universe to show her what would make her happy, and ends up in a time loop repeating the last week over and over until she finds the happiness she's truly looking for. 
This premise could have become cheesy and overdone so easily, but the authors kept the rehashing to a minimum with every repeat Mae went through. I became invested in Mae's story, and found myself really hoping I wouldn't have to see Mae go back in time again once she finally started finding her happiness. Mae story's is sugary-sweet at times, and a perfect holiday-themed palette cleanser - it's a cute story that doesn't take itself too seriously and was just what I needed to end 2020.

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