[Review] Sinful Liaisons by Sanjana Nidhi

Sinful Liaisons
is a quick read, forbidden office romance featuring tech company CEO Tatum and his personal assistant Serah. Ever since Serah took the PA job eight months ago, she’s wanted her boss. But Serah figured Tatum would never look at a girl like her--at least not until he took her on a business trip with him to Tokyo for a week. Just him and her. . . and their undeniable chemistry. But when Tatum and Serah return to their lives in New York, an old friend returns and misunderstandings arise and the future just within Tatum and Serah’s grasp suddenly implodes. Just a few weeks ago, Tatum never imagined happily settling down, but now he will have to put all his instincts aside if he wants a chance at his dream of a happily-ever-after with Serah.

Sinful Liaisons was a very quick read; I finished it in under two hours. But the chemistry between Tatum and Serah sizzled right from the very first chapter. Tatum is everything you could want in a leading man: tall, dark, handsome, and in charge of his own domain. Serah had a lively personality but came with baggage and a troubled past. I liked the amount of Serah’s backstory Sanjana Nidhi managed to work into this novella, especially since it was such a quick read. Many romance novellas hit the action straight away and don’t waste pages on backstory, but Sinful Liaisons gave Serah a traumatic past that added substance and conflict to her relationship with Tatum. Once I picked up Sinful Liaisons, I couldn’t put it down and read it straight through. I was drawn into the romance, but there were some grammatical issues that briefly took me out of the story here and there. Overall, Sinful Liaisons was a nice way to spend an evening, made even nicer with this title available on Kindle Unlimited. 

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