[ARC Review] Night and Day by Enni Amanda

A romance worthy of pure wanderlust, Night and Day by Enni Amanda will have readers pining for love and adventure as Mia and Izzy find themselves and each other just by taking that first step outside of their comfort zone. 

Before making a life altering decision, Mia left her homeland and traveled around the world, seeking answers and inspiration. But on her last stop in Auckland, Mia was robbed, losing everything except the guitar on her back and the stick of gum in her pocket. With only one former business contact in all of New Zealand that she could turn to, Mia calls Izzy. Izzy, who hasn't left his basement much since tragedy struck five years ago. Izzy, who still drops everything to drive ninety minutes from Hamilton to Auckland to pick up a Finnish stranger. The longer they spend together, the more they learn to let go of their pasts. And the longer they spend together, the deeper their feelings grow for each other. As Izzy and Mia discover what truly makes them happy in life, they learn that the thing that makes them most happy is each other....

Night and Day was such a sweet, swoony, slow-burn romance. As someone who has traveled around the world, I immediately related to Mia and her wanderlust. And as someone who was constantly paranoid she would lose her baggage, I completely felt Mia's loss and anguish over being robbed while at her most vulnerable. 

While I haven't experienced quite the same level of loss that Izzy has, I thought his past was relatable and completely understandable. Amanda did an excellent job at having Izzy's past shape his character without being too over the top or in your face and making the overall plot too gloomy or depressing. 

I loved these two main characters together. I thought it was pretty obvious early on that these two connected with each other, even while Mia felt helpless and Izzy was busy being a tall, dark, and quiet grump. They worked so well on the page together, and I could not wait for them to finally admit their feelings and get together. 

There was so much character growth throughout this novel. Right from the beginning, Mia found herself with nothing left to lose except herself. And she ended up trusting Izzy enough to risk losing that as well, making for such a beautiful romance. Izzy had been so antisocial for so long that he really had to put it all on the line in order to be with Mia. He was such a silently courageous character, and I loved him for it. 

In Night and Day, readers will find a sweet, slow-burn romance (with eventual spice), some amazing secondary characters, and an inspired sense of wanderlust that will keep you turning the pages for more adventure.

A huge thank you to Enni Amanda for providing a review copy of this fabulous book! 


Release date: 4/1/22
Format: eARC
eARC provided via the author   

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