[ARC Review] Sign of the Slayer by Sharina Harris

Publisher's synopsis:
 High school is supposed to be about studying, socializing, and marching-band practice. Not fighting vampires. Then one night flipped my world inside out—now, my life sucks. But it isn’t all bad. I’m at a slayer academy, learning things like the real origin of vamps and how to make serious weapons out of thin air.

Every last one of them will pay for what they did. I’m doing great.

Until I come face-to-face with the actual vampire prince…and I’m not sure of anything anymore. Vampires are supposed to be soul-sucking demons. But Khamari is…something else. He’s intelligent and reasonable—and he seems to know things about me that could change everything.

He’s also hiding something big, even from his own kind. And when a threat from an ancient evil is so extreme that a vampire will team up with a slayer to take it down, it isn’t just my need for revenge that’s at stake anymore.

It’s the whole damn world.

My thoughts: I'm just overall thoroughly impressed with the amount of action and worldbuilding that went into this story. I loved our main characters, I loved the plot, and I loved that I could easily keep track of all the secondary characters without getting any of them mixed up. Harris effortlessly blended many mythos into her version of vampire lore, and I loved that the rise and fall of vampires wasn't as wholly Christian-centric as so many vampire stories tend to be. Most of all, I loved that this book was vastly diverse, while also filling the gaping, Buffy-sized hole in my life. 

I was engaged with Raven and Khamari's story since the action hit in chapter one, and it felt like my heart was racing right along with the action for the last 20% of the book. I'll admit that I didn't fully understand Khamari's position or story until the end, but reveal after reveal completely sold this story for me by the time the action was wrapping up. With so much going on right up until the last page, it's clear that Khamari and Raven's story is far from over, and I can't wait to see what Harris has planned next for the slayer and the vampire. 

[A huge thank you to Entangled Teen for providing a review copy of Sign of the Slayer. All opinions are my own.]


Release date: 8/29/23
Format: eARC
eARC provided via: NetGalley widget

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