[ARC Review] Bad Luck Vampire by Lynsay Sands

Publisher's synopsis:
 Alasdair MacKenzie has never once considered himself unlucky in all the centuries he’s been an immortal rogue enforcer. Not until he meets Sophie. Finding the beautiful, smart, and funny woman who is his life mate is great luck, actually. But meeting her at a wedding full of Argeneaus, not to mention his own busybody uncles determined to “help him claim his woman,” is bad luck. And the fact that Sophie is someone else’s date? Well that’s just the next level of unlucky.

From the way her gaze travels over his body like a caress to the electric zing whenever they innocently touch…he wants her for all eternity! He’ll keep his hands off Sophie until her date is over. After that all bets are off and he’ll pull out all the stops to win her. Great plan—until he gets hit by a car. And then he’s poisoned. Is his luck that bad, or is someone out to stop this immortal from claiming Sophie as his life mate? 

My thoughts: I will never not love the latest, wild adventure that Lynsay Sands sends her immortals on, and Bad Luck Vampire is no exception. While I will always be a die hard Argeneau fan, the MacKenzie branch of immortals is starting to grow on me and I loved getting Alasdair's story as well as getting to know other members of his family a bit more. 

Even after 35 previous books in this series, I still found the plot of Bad Luck Vampire to be unique to all the others. Of course, several elements do tend to get recycled from plot to plot, but Sands was able to incorporate the immortal lore into Alasdair's story in a different way than in previous books so even similar elements didn't feel like just a repeat from other Argeneau stories. 

Alasdair and Sophie's story had equal parts fun and drama, and I absolutely loved seeing so many cameos from the Argeneau and Notte families early on in this book. The writing was typical Sands: easy to read and even easier to get lost in. This story did a wonderful job at acknowledging past books, while also telling Sophie and Alasdair's story and setting up future plots for several key characters from this book. As always, Lynsay Sands' Argeneau books are a delight to read, and I can't wait to see what comes next for all our favorite immortals. 

[Thank you to Avon for providing an advance review copy of this title. All opinions are my own.]

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Release date: 9/26/23
Format: eARC
eARC provided via: NetGalley

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