[ARC Review] Best Frenemies by Max Monroe

Publisher's synopsis:
 Going tit for tat with the man you hate is all fun and games until things get literal…and the jerk sees you naked.

My beach getaway was only supposed to include three things: relaxation, wine, and fun in the sun.

Mack Houston, on the other hand, should have never—
ever—been involved.

In no uncertain terms, he’s the bane of my existence.
The thorn in my side.
The sexy Mr. Good-Time Guy who drives me up the wall and my work archnemesis for the past five years.

He’s the
 last person I want to get stuck anywhere with—it’s bad enough that I have to see him every day at work—and yet, because of a booking error (or curse of the universe, as I like to call it), I’m stuck in the same vacation rental with him for an entire week.

I’m going to end up in jail.
Or worse, I might just give in to the insane urge to find out if his lips are really as kissable as they look.

One way or the other, disaster feels imminent.

My thoughts: When it was revealed early on that Mack and Thatcher Kelly are related, I should've known I'd be in for a good time with this book. Mack and Katy absolutely did not disappoint, and I loved their work/life drama that came through with Max Monroe's signature wit and laugh-out-loud banter. 

I loved our introduction to both Katy and Mack. While Katy did come across as a bit of a stickler and didn't initially seem like Mack's type, the more we got to know these two main characters the more obvious is was how perfect they were for each other. After a series of unfortunate events puts Katy and Mack in close quarters, their forced proximity causes sparks to fly and Katy truly starts to come out of her shell. While I admit that I didn't love Katy as a character when we first met her, I thought she was so much more likable by the time the plot started ramping up. 

In true Max Monroe fashion, I laughed so many times while reading Best Frenemies. Everyone - main and minor character alike - had such vivid personalities. This is the type of book you can easily get caught up in because it's so easy to see yourself in the same type of story. Max Monroe have a talent for making ordinary situations an absolute blast to read about, and Best Frenemies was no exception. 

[A huge thank you to Max Monroe for providing a review copy of Best Frenemies. All opinions are my own.]


Release date: 9/16/23
Format: eARC
eARC provided via: the authors 

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