[ARC Review] Bouquets & Belonging by Duckie Mack

PUBLISHER'S SYNOPSIS: Marley is a hopeless romantic who loves his job. Flowers make him happy, and he gets great joy out of the delight they bring to others. He has a standing flower shop as well as a regular booth at the Heartcraft Market.

Derek is an overworked businessman. His work consumes his life, both in the office and at home. He doesn’t have time to date and isn’t looking, but when he sees the florist with an infectious smile at a wedding, his interest is piqued.

When the handsome man Marley caught watching him at a recent job shows up at his shop, he’s certain there’s a spark between them. After helping so many couples fall in love, he longs for his own great romance.

Even if Derek wants to pursue the vibrant man, he has no room for someone in his busy schedule. But Marley plants a seed in his life, a glimpse of the beauty he didn’t know he needed.

Can love blossom and help these two find a place where they belong?

MY THOUGHTS: Oh, how I loved Marley and Derek. I've loved all the previous couples in the Heartcraft Market series, but there was just something special about this grumpy/sunshine pairing that made this MM romance hard to put down. 

Both Derek and Marley were just so lovable. Marley brought so much light to Derek (and O'Malley's) life, and that sort of brightness is infectious, even through the pages of a book. Every little thing that Marley did for others was joyous and inspired the people around him, and it's been so long since I've read a book where one of the characters was just that pure of heart. 

While I adored Marley, I loved Derek's journey just as much. He was definitely the grump to Marley's sunshine, but his grumpiness wasn't over the top or over done. These two characters were the perfect balance for each other, and I really enjoyed seeing their lives intertwine and come together. 

Bouquets & Belonging was the perfect addition to the Heartcraft Market series. It was just a cozy read, with low angst, no third-act breakups, and truly put the spotlight on love in all it's forms. 


Release date: 8/10/24
Format: eARC
eARC provided via: the author

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